Test results manager (TRM) is an all-in-one analysis, viewer and reporting tool of fiber test results. TRM top-level icons let users quickly choose between viewing results by jobs, generating an acceptance report, viewing OTDR traces, loss or certification results or batch editing OTDR traces.
Within the OTDR trace viewer users can analyze .sor format traces from the M200, M700 or C series. Users can apply pass/fail thresholds to events and links, add/delete events and change loss methods including two point, LSA and fiber attenuation. Next and previous buttons allow quick review of fiber results.
OLTS viewer/editor users can ensure auto-test results from the NOYES® C series, or loss results from the M700 or OPM5 meet current industry standards, applications or user values. As standards evolve or network demands increase, users can apply more stringent rules to be sure tested fibers will meet the requirements. The OLTS viewer can be used to create bi-directional results from loss data downloaded from one or more NOYES OPM5 power meters.
With the TRM report wizard you can improve company image and reduce maintenance costs by documenting networks and creating customized acceptance reports. Reports meet accepted industry documentation and can be prepared with company logos. Common report options can be saved for quicker generation of future reports saving time when it is necessary to create reports for repeat customers. Flexible reporting capability allows users to select the style for report covers, detail results pages and summary pages. Users can include OTDR traces, event tables, summary info, OTLS results, an event map and fiber end images with detailed job and test set-up information on a results page. Jobs can also be exported to zip files for archiving or submission to network owners.
A Test Results Manager TRM ® egy szoftver, mely alkalmas mérési eredmények megjelenítésére, utólagos értékelésére, elemzésére. OTDR, OLTS-es mérési eredmények jegyzőkönyvezése, testreszabott határérték beállítással megfelelt/nem felelt meg kritérium vizsgálat lehetséges. Előre beállított jegyzőkönyv formátumok választhatók, amiben az eredmények gombnyomásra beilleszthetők.
Az AFL Trace.Net szoftver egy Windows ®-alapú alkalmazás melynek segítségével megjeleníthető, kiértékelhető, szerkeszthető, és nyomtatható az AFL OTDR-ek mérési eredményei, beleértve a az OFL280 FlexTester-t, az OFL250 és M200 OTDR-eket. A Trace.Net egy intuitív felhasználói felületen jelenít meg grafikusan az OTDR görbéket, az esemény táblákat, beállítási paramétereket és a szálazonosító információkat.
AFL SimpleView Fiber Inspection Software is an application that permits the NOYES DFS1 Digital FiberScope to be used with Windows® XP or Windows® 7 computers. AFL SimpleView software provides a live, high-resolution video image of the end-face of an optical fiber. This capability enables fiber installers and network technicians to inspect and troubleshoot optical fibers and verify that they are clean and undamaged.