LED és Lézer fényforrások

AFL offers a full range of light sources for testing single-mode and/or multimode fiber networks. Read more about our solutions for testing telco and broadband networks, FTTx systems, LAN/WAN networks and more.

Sources with wave ID transmit two or more wavelengths simultaneously–decreasing test time and reducing user errors. when using a NOYES® wave ID power meter.

OLS4 Quad Output Light Source with Wave ID

OLS4 Quad light source is an ideal field unit for technicians certifying both single-mode and multimode networks. Wave ID feature increases efficiency by reducing test times with simultaneous multiple wavelength tests over one fiber when using an AFL power meter such as OPM5 or OPM4.

OLS7 Triple Wavelength Laser Sources

NOYES OLS7 Laser Sources offer three stabilized Laser signals from one output port. Test single-mode networks fast with dual and triple wavelength transmit modes. OLS7-FTTH: Designed specifically for testing FTTH networks with 1310, 1490, and 1550 nm wavelengths. OLS7-FTTx: Designed for testing FTTx networks at 1310, 1490, and 1625 nm wavelengths. OLS7-3: Offers 1310, 1550, and 1625 nm wavelengths for testing applications such as Telecom and CATV.

C840 QUAD (4 hullámhosszas) műszer

A Noyes C840 Certification teszter része a C-sorozatú optikai beiktatási csillapítás mérő készlet családnak. A C840 használható optikai fényforrásként (OLS), optikai teljesítmény mérőként (OMP), és látható fényű hibahely keresőnént (VFI). Egy másik C840-nel vagy C850-nel Tier 1 és Tier 2 hitelesítési vizsgálatok végezhetők. A Touch and Test ™ egy intuitív felhasználói felület, mely leegyszerűsíti a használatot és lehetővé teszi kezdőknek is a pontos munkavégzést.

OLS2-Dual Laser Source with Wave ID

NOYES OLS2-Dual is a hand-held, rugged laser source designed for performing insertion loss measurements on single-mode fiber optic links when used with an optical power meter. When paired with an optical fiber identifier, the OLS2-Dual may be used for fiber identification. The LASER output is stabilized to ensure accurate test results per current TIA/EIA requirements.

OLS1-Dual LED Light Source with Wave ID

NOYES OLS1-Dual Light Source features 850 nm and 1300 nm LED output from a single output port and is simple to operate with only a power button and a wavelength select button. Certify 50 or 62.5 µm multimode fiber links for any 850 or 1300 nm application, including Gigabit Ethernet (GBE) per TIA/EIA standards.

OLS1 LED Light Source

NOYES OLS1 LED source is a cost-effective two-port 850 nm and 1300 nm LED source for basic testing of multimode fiber networks. OLS1-1C supports testing of 1000 µm Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) and 660 nm output can be used for tracing fiber links to visually locate cable ends. OLS1-2C supports testing of 50 µm and 60 µm multimode fibers.

CSS1-MM Contractor Series Dual LED Source

CSS1-MM Contractor Series Dual LED Source Palm-sized laser source is ideal for technicians interested in a light weight easy to carry LED source for testing single-mode networks to TIA/EIA requirements. Small but tough; the CSS1-MM is a cost-effective and rugged field unit.

CSS1-SM Contractor Series Dual Laser Source

CSS1-SM Contractor Series Dual Laser Source Palm-sized laser source is ideal for technicians interested in a lightweight easy to carry laser source for testing single-mode networks to TIA/EIA requirements. Small but tough; the CSS1-SM is a cost-effective and rugged field unit.

Test Port Adapters for NOYES sources

Tool-free connector adapters allow connection of common fiber optic connectors and remove to support cleaning of launch ferule. NOYES products with tool-free adapters include, FTS2, OLS2-Dual, OLS4, OLS7, SVA1