AFL Telecommunication - Noyes


Az AFL Telecom a Fujikura leányvállalata, mely korábban NOYES néven vált ismertté.

Hálózat építést és üzemeltetést támogató optikai műszereket gyártanak, melyek tervezése során a minden körülmények közötti pontos mérési eredményeket, valamint az egyszerű használatot tartják szem előtt.

A portfólióban megtalálható OTDR, beiktatási csillapítás mérő, szálazonosító, hibahelykereső és még sok minden más,  mely mind gerinchálózati, mind előfizetői hálózatokban jól alkalmazható műszerek.


Száltelefon és száloptikai csillapítók

Fiber Optic Attenuators provide technicians with a means of adjusting an optical signal level. Applications include field and laboratory testing of system performance over a range of attenuation values (optical path lengths) and tuning and verifying performance of new transmitters to specific networks at time of installation. AFL offers a range of attenuators providing test options to technicians.


Test results manager (TRM) is an all-in-one analysis, viewer and reporting tool of fiber test results. TRM top-level icons let users quickly choose between viewing results by jobs, generating an acceptance report, viewing OTDR traces, loss or certification results or batch editing OTDR traces.

Tartozékok, kiegészítők

NOYES® certification and loss test kits from AFL are used to certify new fiber installations and locate faults in deployed fiber optic networks. Certification test kits measure the length of fibers and perform Tier 1 loss tests providing pass/fail feedback to users to ensure fibers meet TIA/ISO/EN standards or user values. Certification kits have an integrated visual fault locator (VFL), optical light source (OLS), and optical power meter (OPM). Kits are also available with integrated single-mode and multimode optical time domain reflectometers (OTDRs) which can perform Tier 2 testing. Loss measurement, length and OTDR results can be saved and uploaded to PC for further analysis and/or archiving.


NOYES® fiber optic network simulators from AFL are custom-built “fiber boxes” intended to duplicate installed fiber optic facilities. Training schools, laboratory testing and field troubleshooting are just few of the many applications for units. Network simulators include up to 100 km of fiber with user-specified events such as good and bad fusion splices, mechanical splices and connectors. Both benchtop and rack-mount units are available.